Thursday, March 19, 2009


Spring is a time for renewal. What is the best renewal of all, right the time we come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour. The picture is when my Dad was baptized. Look at all those people being baptized and all the ones watching from the river bank and from the bridge. This picture was taken around 1946. My Dad went on to Preach for 58 years. I thank and Praise the Lord for Godly parents, that raised us in a Christian home. My parents have gone to be with the Lord now, Mom went on June 28 2001 and Dad went on January 20 20o7. I can remember when I was real young setting close to my Dad when he was studying and preparing his sermons and helping my Mom cook food for people that were going through a time in their lives like a death in the family or maybe hard times for what ever reason. They both taught us to Love the Lord and show kindness to those around us.
And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.


Dresden Plate said...

What a wonderful picture, so much history there.

Anonymous said...

Aw, I love this picture! I know just what you mean so many people did not or do not have now the Godly parents that we did, we were so blessed! And are still blessed to have each other! God bless you Bo! We need to plan to get together soon!
Love you much! Happy Birthday!
Yout little sis,

bopeep said...

Dresden Plate, Thanks for your visit, yes we can learn so nmuch from our old pictures.
Lois, It is so nice to have you visit. We are really blessed to have the parents we had and to have each other. Yes we do need to get together.
Prayers, Bo

Corner Gardener Sue said...

Hey, happy birthday, Bo!

I loved your photo and your memories of growing up with Christian parents who lived their faith. I'm not sure if I remembered or knew your dad was a minister.

Hugs and Prayers,