Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I made these journal covers for the Grands for Easter and I forgot to post them. They all seem to really enjoy them. There is a lot of ways to make them and change them up. One pic I saw of them, the crayons each had a pocket, but I made these to hold the box of crayons and a pad of paper.
Yesterday on my way home I had to wait for road construction, when the pilot truck came it said 'pilot truck follow me' so every one just follow along. It made me think why when that truck says 'follow me' we do it.....but when JESUS says " FOLLOW ME" we sometimes hesitate
And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.


Sharon said...

I LOVE your illustration of the "Follow Me" truck!!!! So true!!!

The journal covers are a wonderful idea!!! They are so nice!!!

bopeep said...

Thank You, Sharon and I am so glad you came by for a visit.
Prayers, Bo

Sunday Girl said...

I love these. I have been working on something similar for two of my grandsons to take with them in the car on trips. Thanks for sharing.